For example early on you’ll use the winter ability to freeze a waterfall in order to gain entry to a dungeon. Each one affects not only the environment but enemies and friendly characters as well. It doesn’t help that the Switch version greatly reduces the draw distance on environments meaning you’re always just wandering through a fog with no real sense of place.Īry’s season changing abilities are without a doubt Ary and the Secret of Season’s strongest quality. Given the combat is largely optional with no real reward and sidequests focus mostly on running around within towns, exploration winds up feeling boring. Unfortunately there just isn’t much to do or find. Normally I’d be in support of this as I feel it adds scale. Whether exploring the overworld or in a dungeon, there is an incredible amount of empty space between points of interest. You’ll rarely hear me say this but the world of Ary and the Secret of Seasons is just too big.

There is no cooldown on the parry ability meaning that for the vast majority of enemies, you can simply stand around mashing the parry button until they attack and then get in a powerful attack while they’re stunned. Combat in general is a weak point as the parry system is extremely easy to exploit. Especially since walking around them is so easy thanks to the huge world map. The world is littered with enemies as well but as killing them doesn’t give you anything it's hard to justify fighting them rather than walking around them.
#Ary seasons upgrade#
She’ll gain new abilities and can upgrade her combat strengths using gold she finds in hidden treasure chests throughout the world. Along her travels she’ll encounter towns, sidequests, and dungeons. Ary traverses the world which, while fairly open, is separated into multiple zones that load in separately. Gameplay follows a fairly straight forward 3D Zelda structure. Likewise the soundtrack by Marcus Hedges is wonderful. The story of Ary and the Secret of Seasons is told through excellently animated cutscenes and fun, self-aware dialogue. As she progresses she gains the ability to manipulate the other seasons as well. As the guardian of winter Ary can create spheres of winter around her.
Desert beaches are covered in snow, and the mountains of Ary’s home bake under a hot sun.

The world has fallen into chaos the seasonally locked areas of the land have had their seasons all mixed up. When her brother goes missing and her father falls into grief, Ary must take up the torch of being a guardian herself. Unfortunately, the Nintendo Switch struggles severely making its highs middling and its lows craterous.Īry is the daughter of one of the four guardians of the seasons. On many platforms I suspect it is largely equipped to deliver on those concepts. Ary and the Secret of Seasons is a game that promises a lot in its Zelda: Oracle-influenced season manipulation.